YaCy on a Kiosk

A minor glitch;

On my phone, part of the online style used to customize the search interface shows up in the search field, and also on the top of the results page. It does not interfere with the functionality but is just a little strange.

Otherwise, I think the interface looks great on a phone.

Used in “portal for your own web pages” mode, YaCy seems to work moch much much better.

For a local information kiosk, but also in general.

For example, the main thing I’ve noticed is that YaCy seems to have difficulty with searches consisting of many words. On the global network it tends to take a very long time or freeze entirely, but as a local portal, a search that consists of many words or search terms works beautifully and returns results seemingly instantly.

For eample: here I used the terms “Old Packet Boat Market Fort Plain New York” that is 8 terms at once. which can be seen by the bold highlighted search terms in the results, worked beautifully:

Of course, only one machine is being searched with a limited number of websites indexed. However Ive never had any lock with such complex searches in peer-to-peer, though I love the graphic, which I miss in portal mode.

Also, although system status shows an IPv6 address in YaCy, my phone is still able to access the site from the same IPv4 address as previously.

I think, or am guessing that my home wireless router has set both IPv4 and IPv6 ???

Anyway, the inline style bleeding into the search results can be seen. Not sure what might be causing that.


After digging around, it seems YaCy writes the “greeting” information to settings/yacy.conf so alternatively, to make the oddment go away, I’ve tried editing index.html directly. YaCy uses some form of Template system I’m not familiar with, so I suspect there is a better way (By editing some template) but,…

Another thing i suppose is intended for intranets(?)

YaCy includes a Blog and a Wiki.

I figured out a way to make these accessible online, apparently adding links to the “Kiosk”.

I gave write access to “ALL” for the Wiki, so if anyone happens along to read this i’m very curious to see if the Wiki is editable by (whomever - this means you if you are reading this) so do me a favor and go to the Kiosk and click on the Wiki link and give it a try.


I’m hoping this will not all vanish away with a reboot, as this is all, so far, running LIVE from a USB with SLAX Linux OS.

SLAX is supposed to be able to run on a USB with persistent memory, which (I think) gets written to the USB on shutdown or reboot. so, I will try sooner or later.

Edited splash page with added links:

YaCy Blog:

YaCy Wiki:

This entails Hard Coding of the iP address in index.html

I’m sure there is likely a way to make this dynamic. If the IP changes it could be a pain to update the links, which could be more likely if the USB is being plugged into random computer.

YaCy is a rather astonishing achievement. Running a web crawler, search engine, blog, Wiki, all live on USB.

It appears poking around, a BB Bulletin board is in there somewhere as well, or can be incorporated. I haven’t investigated that very far yet.

Anyway, if it is found to be accessible, please edit the Wiki! Something like “Roger - just testing the Wiki” is fine, or whatever anyone likes.

Apparently it includes version tracking!