ok, while discussing the documentation and it’s editing by users, I tried to.
this is how I did.
Is that right in your opinion and could it be used as a guide for others?
#How to contribute to source code and documentation
Basically, your contribution to the code and documentation is possible using
github.com. Create account there, fork the official repository, clone it to
your local machine, make a branch, modify files, commit changes to github.
Finally make a pull request, so your contribution could be merged into
master branch.
Step by step:
(or follow the github contribution guide
Contributing to projects - GitHub Docs)
##this is for the first time only
create a github.com account
log into github
fork repository GitHub - yacy/yacy_search_server: Distributed Peer-to-Peer Web Search Engine and Intranet Search Appliance for a yacy
software modification,
or GitHub - yacy/yacy_net_homepage: The YaCy home page based on a Superhero-inspired modification of the Cinder theme for MkDocs for documentation editing,
respectively (use a ‘fork’ button on top right part of github.com) -
your own fork is now at url:
https://github.com/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/yacy_search_server -
set-up a ssh key using this guide:
Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account - GitHub Docs -
on your local machine, clone your new fork using commandline:
git clone git@github.com:YOURUSERNAMEHERE/yacy_net_homepage.git
git clone git@github.com:YOURUSERNAMEHERE/yacy_search_server.git
for the first time, attach the local working directory with yours github
git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
git config --global user.name "YOURUSERNAMEHERE"
##this is the regular workflow:
- create a new branch under your working directory:
git branch BRANCH-NAME
git checkout BRANCH-NAME
where BRANCH-NAME is a name of your pack of changes
make changes in any files you want to modify
test if everything is working fine
describe your changes and schedule for upload:
git add .
git commit -m "a short description of the change"
commit the changes to your repository on github:
git push --set-upstream origin doc-mod
in the github web, press “Contribute” and then
“Open a pull request” to pull your modification
to the master yacy branch. -
you can see all open pull request by you and other people at:
Pull requests · yacy/yacy_search_server · GitHub
Pull requests · yacy/yacy_net_homepage · GitHub -
wait until the mantainers merge your pull request
if they don’t, politely ask
follow the github contribution guide
Contributing to projects - GitHub Docs