Languages / Localization Files / Translation

Hello everyone

Two weeks ago I started to translate (into Spanish) directly from YaCy the missing lines. Today I have the satisfaction of having already achieved more than 60% of the total and I want to continue advancing until hopefully 99%.

And I have the following questions
1- Can I export the translation to a file? How?
2- A Portuguese-speaking person asked me if there was any way to create/start the Portuguese translation and add it directly to YaCy?

Thanks very much.


Hey, thats amazing! Very Good!
Did you work on that file here: yacy_search_server/es.lng at master · yacy/yacy_search_server · GitHub
Because then the easiest way to provide your work would be a pull request.

This is easy even if you are new to git/github: just click on the pencil “Fork and Edit” to get your own copy of YaCy in github where you can paste in your work in the browser window.
This becomes a pull request and I can pull it. This way you become a proper YaCy developer and your contribution is part of the YaCy development history.

Same with a portugese translation; please check the german translation yacy_search_server/de.lng at master · yacy/yacy_search_server · GitHub which should be the most complete translation as a template. If you would like to start like that, I can make a copy.

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Thank you very much.

I have already started to transfer the translated lines to the file. When finished, I will upload it here in this forum so that who can insert it in github.